The power of one

Big Brothers Big Sisters partners with likeminded organizations to empower children and families across the country.

Advocacy Partners

Sometimes a unified voice can more greatly impact children and families. Together with organizations that share our values and goals, we work to address many issues that children face in America today. We are proud to partner with the following organizations:

Thank You to Our Partners

Because of you, thousands of kids across the country have a renewed outlook on life and the potential to achieve their dreams.

Thank you,
EDCOE (El Dorado Office of Education)
Black Oak Mine Unified School District
Buckeye Union School District
Camino Union Elementary School District
Charter Alternative Programs
El Dorado Union High School District
Gold Oak Union School District
Gold Trail Union School District
Indian Diggings School District
Latrobe School District
Mother Lode Union School District
Pioneer Union School District
Placerville Union School District
Pollock Pines Elementary School District
Rescue Union School District
South Lake Tahoe Unified School District
City of Placerville

County of El Dorado
CPS (Child Protective Services)
CSS (Child Support Services)
El Dorado County Sherriff Office
El Dorado County Mental Health Services

El Dorado County Probation Department
Placerville Police Department
SARB (Student Attendance Review Board)

If you would like to learn more about how your organization can become a Big Brothers Big Sisters Advocacy Partner, please contact:
Brenda Frachiseur,
Executive Director, or (530) 626-1222.